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Happy Valentine’s Day!

By February 14, 2016November 23rd, 2016

Making the best of ‘Your Child’s Success Circle’!

No matter what your child’s current abilities are, there is always room for improvement.

When as parents we provide our children with environments that enrich and challenge them, we are providing our children with the conditions to learn new skills and advance in their abilities.

Over my 10 years working with children that have unique challenges, I’ve identified 5 key elements that will guide you in supporting your child’s success with their therapy.

As I have explained in greater detail in my previous newsletters, these 5 elements are:

  1. Commitment to Consistent Therapy
  2. Support of Ongoing Home Activity program
  3. Variations in Environment and Experiences
  4. Supportive Wider Circle of Care
  5. Parent’s Own Self-Care and Well-Being

Your Child’s Success Circle

“As a parent, when you understand the elements required to fully support your special needs child’s development, you can become your child’s best and most effective therapist.”

Certainly, your commitment to a consistent and focused therapy program for your child will ensure that your child receives the support, stimulation and encouragement they need to continue to progress in their development.

During your child’s therapy sessions, new movement skills beyond their current abilities are introduced. For your child to retain these new movements, support with an ongoing home activity program is highly beneficial. This additional practice will help your child integrate and consolidate their new learning.

Further to that, adding variations to your child’s environment will enrich their daily experiences and introduce even more learning opportunities.

Now imagine if everyone coming into contact with your child were also contributing in some way to your child’s learning. Think how much faster your child could be progressing! Building a supportive wider circle of care certainly takes time and effort but would be so worthwhile in the long run.

Finally, our body needs our loving attention to stay healthy and happy. When as parents, we are present to our own needs, we will be so much better able to make sound decisions both for ourselves and for our loved ones.

February being the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day is also a great reminder on the importance of our own self-care and well-being.

When you give your body the love and attention it needs, you can truly cultivate the space and energy for the people in your life and, most importantly, for your child!

Judy Cheng Harris

Having integrated the Feldenkrais Method® and Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® into her physiotherapy practice, Judy Cheng helps children with special challenges move forward with their development. Judy’s passions lie in guiding parents to become their child's best and most effective therapist!