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A Gift For You!

By December 20, 2017January 31st, 2018

A Gift For You!

A parent gave me a ‘Gift’ unknowingly which I would love to share with you.

Due to a very rare genetic mutation, her child’s development was very delayed. During our first sessions, all this child could do was to cry in her mother’s arms. And I mean really crying. It was very challenging for both of us.

But this mother persisted. She brought her child to see me regularly.

After each series of sessions, the mother would see wonderful little changes in her child that she openly celebrated with me and other people in her child’s life. I have to admit, her enthusiasm was far greater than mine.

Fast forward 2 years. Recently this mother showed me a video of her child taking a few independent steps. She couldn’t be more excited and proud and so was I!

What she didn’t know is that her HOPEFULNESS around her child making the tiniest little progress had actually created this reality.

The Gift is that, ‘No matter the condition of your child, never, ever give up hope.’

In fact, HOPE is the single most important ‘ingredient’ that creates the miraculous outcomes for the children I work with, time after time after time.

Without hope, it’s hard to see possibilities.

And here’s the secret. From my over 10 years experience working with children, I see greater improvement with children whose parents are enthusiastic and positively motivated versus those who are conservatively hopeful or maybe even doubtful.

It is very simple.

The hopeful, optimistic parents were able to notice the tiniest little changes in their child and see them as being important.

They then take steps to encourage and support these tiny changes to grow. With their parent’s consistent support, these children continue to make more and more positive changes. Over time they begin to show an even greater improvement!

The conservatively hopeful parents WAIT, often times without even their own awareness. They are waiting for bigger changes that they can SEE before they can be convinced that there was indeed hope for their child.

As a result, these parents can missed many opportunities to support their child with all those important ‘Tiny Little’ changes, simply because they were not able to appreciate the small changes their children WERE making all along!

What type of parent do you want to be for your children?

Hope is MORE than just wishful thinking.

Hope is the fuel that continually inspires you to take consistent actions towards your goals!

Judy Cheng Harris

Having integrated the Feldenkrais Method® and Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® into her physiotherapy practice, Judy Cheng helps children with special challenges move forward with their development. Judy’s passions lie in guiding parents to become their child's best and most effective therapist!