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Support Your Child’s Success

By August 15, 2015November 23rd, 2016

How can your child with special challenges achieve the most benefit from their therapy?

As a Paediatric Therapist, my treatment goals centre on how I can best support your child’s progress within the duration of their therapy time with me.

These are some of the questions I ask myself during every therapy session with your child:

  • What is stopping your child from moving forward?
  • What is missing in your child’s ‘movement vocabulary’?
  • What is needed for your child to advance to their next stage of development?

When I address these questions, positive changes are always observed with notable gains in every child’s ability by the end of each therapy session.

Over time, it catches my attention and I recognize that each and every child seems to progress at a slightly different rate even though they each receive ‘very similar’ treatments.

Aside from the medical diagnoses which can, to a certain degree, pre-determine each child’s ability, it occurrs to me that the amount of on-going support each child receives outside of my therapy room has a significant impact on the overall progress of that child.

Needless to say, a parent’s commitment to a consistent and focused therapy program for their child will ensure that their child receives the support, stimulation and encouragement needed to continue to progress in their development.

However, there are 4 additional key elements which I’ve identified that can further support your special needs child’s overall development.

These 4 key elements are:

  1. Ongoing Home Activity program
  2. Variations in environment and experiences
  3. Supportive wider circle of care
  4. Parent’s own self-care and well-being

In the next issues of ‘Move To Learn Therapy News’, we’ll explore each of these elements so that as a parent of a child with special challenges, you can more fully support your child’s successful evolution towards independence, and thereby realizing their life’s potential.


Your Child’s Success Circle

I intentionally used this colourful picture of a beach ball to serve as a useful reminder for you. Also, it is something which may help your family and those in your child’s wider circle of care.

You can see a bigger version of it here on my website.

“As a parent, when you understand the elements required to fully support your special needs child’s development, you can become your child’s best and most effective therapist.”

Judy Cheng Harris

Having integrated the Feldenkrais Method® and Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® into her physiotherapy practice, Judy Cheng helps children with special challenges move forward with their development. Judy’s passions lie in guiding parents to become their child's best and most effective therapist!