It’s Christmas day and I have a story to tell you.
Earlier this month I visited Hong Kong to attend my nephew’s wedding. It was so lovely to see all of my family on this joyous occasion. We even did our very first family trip…
Has your child learned the ‘basics’ of movement yet?’
One of my teachers often says, “The advance work in anything is the basics done really well. None of us ever started running or jumping before we learned how to walk. Knowing this, it is especially true…
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Am I creating the problem I’m trying to solve?’
Often times in therapy, we use the word ‘non-compliance’ to imply that a client is not co-operating with the therapy that is being delivered. My ‘inquiring mind’ often thinks that in these kind of scenarios…
What is your opinion on braces like Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)?
Many parents have asked me questions with regard to the use of Braces for their child. Here’s my response to one parent’s question concerning the use of AFOs for her daughter…
How does movement affect the development of vision in children?
The visual system is the most complex sensory system in the human body, however it is also the least mature system at birth. Much of an infant’s first weeks and months are spent…
What are the Pros and Cons of ‘Tummy Time’?
When children have gained sufficient control of their body to get onto their tummy, they would prefer to stay on their tummy. ‘Tummy Time’ refers to putting healthy infants on their tummy…
What are the possible effects of ‘Tummy Time’ on children who are faced with special challenges?
It is a common belief that babies will benefit from ‘tummy time’ to strengthen their backs…
Why is it so important for infants to explore movements while lying on their backs?
When you look at new born babies, doesn’t it amazes you how they love to curl their little bodies into a bundle, tucking their arms and legs together as if they are hugging themselves. This flexion pattern which is prominent at birth allows…
Is ‘Tummy Time’ beneficial for your child’s development?
I’ve had so many parents tell me, “My child hates being on their tummy.” Why, you would ask? It is good for…
Making the best of ‘Your Child’s Success Circle’!
No matter what your child’s current abilities are, there is always room for improvement.
When as parents we provide our children with environments that enrich and challenge them, we are providing our children with the conditions to learn new skills and advance in their abilities.