mother of 16 years old Shanah, who has Williams Syndrome
My daughter Shanah is 16 and was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome, a rare genetic condition when she was 11 months old. I wish I had the understanding and support of the Anat Baniel Method back then.
Over the years, we’ve done many methods of physical and cognitive training, which have all helped to a certain degree but also built up a ‘tension’ as Shanah did not have a proper foundation for balance and movement. This has left her tired, isolated, unable to think or talk clearly, and very frightened of any new situations.
My husband and I were thrilled with the way Judy related and worked with Shanah and the clear differences we could see in her agility straight away. It’s fascinating to see Shanah gradually unwind as her body gains flexibility from the very rigid way she had learnt to move. I didn’t think that Shanah would ever get this kind of agility, as years of ballet still resulted in restricted movement.
Friends noted that Shanah appeared to be taller and her hockey coach was thrilled at the improvement in her skating. Homework time has certainly become more relaxed. I love the look of focus Shanah has on her face as she pays attention to her body. The best part is that Shanah loves doing her movement exercises both with Judy and at home.
It’s wonderful to see that light in Shanah’s eyes as she moves and does things that she never thought that she could do.
Latest update
Shanah skiing for the first time!
Last year she really struggled and took half an hour to come down this slope once. She did it four times today without falling.
*Please scroll down to play video.