
mother of 11 month old girl with congenital heart defect and hypoxic ischemic encepthalopathy

I read a chapter in the book ‘Kids Beyond Limits’ and was touched and inspired by the account of an infant with severe brain damage who, after many years of therapy, was able to go to university, get married, and live a fulfilling life. I was touched by the account of how Anat Baniel was able to connect with the baby and her persistence in providing therapy for her.

Judy’s years of experience as a therapist and her willingness to incorporate an alternative method got my attention. I appreciated the care Judy took in having an organized website and being able to communicate her goals as a therapist and the benefits to the children that she works with.

My daughter was unable to roll onto her tummy on her own. When placed on her tummy she would immediately roll back. I was concerned that this would prevent her from learning how to crawl, as she is already 11 months old. Due to her acquired brain injury, she was no longer spontaneously doing movements that are typical in healthy developing infants.

I was concerned that my daughter was not able to sit on her own and in danger of not being able to catch herself when falling over. At her age, constant care is normal but I worried about what would happen when she was in daycare and not having people around who could provide constant one on one care.

After my daughter’s 3 Introductory Sessions, she was able to keep one leg still and move the other leg. She learned to pivot on her back, movements she wasn’t able to do before. Most noticeably, she would roll to either side and she twice rolled on to her tummy as a result. She did not have to be placed on her tummy and she enjoyed the rolling and had more control of her movements.

What amazed me was when my daughter was home she began doing the rolling on her own, using what she had learned in her therapy with Judy to pivot herself so she could get her body closer to her dad and touch him. My daughter was very aware that she could move herself and go where she wanted to. She just has to practice!

I was surprised at how quickly I saw changes in my daughter’s movements. I was pleased that my daughter was paying more attention to her body moving rather than paying attention to her toys, her therapist or even me in the room. She looked up at me more to see if I was seeing how much she was enjoying what she was doing.

I’m more optimistic as a parent.

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to guide your special needs child’s development

Move to Learn Therapy, Inc
@ Phases Executive Fitness Studio
155 Gordon Baker Rd, Suite 106
North York, Ontario
M2H 3N5
